Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 6, 2016

FAQ About Baby Massage Baby 

Massage is the loveliest way to express your love to your baby. It is also effective in soothing your baby and surely the best way to put him to sleep. Easy as it sounds, you can make the most of this massage by knowing how to effectively make use of it.  A few most commonly asked questions have been answered here to help you with the baby massage routine. [no_toc]

Why Is Baby Massage Very Important ?

Baby massage is a pleasant, soft and placid movement of your hands on your baby’s body. You can massage your baby with oil or moisturizer that will have an enhancing effect on his skin by providing the needed nourishment. Apart from skin, you can also massage the baby’s fingers, palm, wrist, ankle and feet. Singing or humming a soothing song or lullaby will make the massage experience all the more enhancing.

The warming motions stimulate the creation of the hormone responsible for happiness and health levels - Oxytocin. This hormone gives warm and loved feeling which is needed for your baby to feel secure.FAQ about baby massage


What Advantages Would Baby Massage Provide ?

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Massage has many benefits for the baby and also for you or your partner massaging your baby. Baby massage can develop the baby’s mental and physical health to a great extent. It also enhances the baby’s mood by keeping him relaxed and comfortable. He tends to be much more relaxed and peaceful due to which he does not cry and makes less fuss to get his needs met.

As a parent, baby massage can lift your mood and make you feel good. It boosts and empowers you. Also, while massaging you can talk to the baby and interact; this creates a lifelong bond of trust between the baby and the parent.[/span6][span6]

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What Is The Best Way To Massage Your Baby?

You can start by massaging your baby’s legs. Babies find it easier to get used to it because they are already used to their legs being touched during changing their nappies. It is best to have a routine for massaging starting with legs and then going to arms and back. A routine helps your baby understand what is going on.

You can talk to your health visitor to help you devise a routine which will be suitable for your baby’s massage. You can know when your baby is not enjoying a massage or is enjoying it very much; the baby starts to cry indicating that the baby isn’t enjoying it. On the other hand, the baby would giggle or smile if he’s enjoying the massage routine.

You can also check out this baby massage routine video to get a better idea of how to go about it.


Baby Massage Video

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Which Is The Right Substance Used For Massage?

oils used for baby massage

Using oil or a moisturizing cream can be beneficial for your baby’s skin. Especially if your baby has dry skin, using oil can help. Also, it helps in your hands’ movement to be much smoother and easier on your baby’s skin. You can use vegetable oil rich in linoleic acid. It is much kinder and enriches the baby’s skin. Just to be sure of the oil’s effectiveness, apply the oil on a small part of your baby’s body and wait to see if there are any reactions.

There are some oils that are recommended not to be used. Oils like mustard oil, olive oil, unrefined peanut oil, etc can have a toxic effect or may have an allergic reaction on your baby’s skin.


My Baby Has Health Issues. Is It Still Fine To Massage Him?

If your baby has specific health issues, it is wise to consult your baby’s doctor before you try infant massage. The doctor can guide you very well as to which massage can help the baby and which could make his health condition worse. You can also ask a massage specialist as to what will be best for your baby’s massage routine. He can teach you some techniques that can benefit your massage session with your baby.

baby massage will bring a lot of good things to baby

Infant massage can be tricky in the beginning but with practice and patience you will get a hang of it. Soon it will become an exhilarating experience for you as a parent and also your baby will enjoy it.



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