Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 7, 2016

Encourage Your Baby To Walk - MS Baby

Nothing is more precious than the moment when your little one takes her first steps, and there is a lot that you can do as parents to make sure that your baby learns to be mobile quickly, efficiently and safely. By making minuscule efforts, you can motivate your baby to develop the required strength and go that extra mile in order to start walking. [no_toc]

When Will The Baby Walk?

Every baby takes its own time to learn, so don't rush them into doing something they are not ready for. If the baby is forced to walk prematurely, it can bend and deform her soft bone structure. Generally, babies start walking anytime between the ages of 9 to 18 months. Be patient during this period as your child slowly develops her muscles and learns how to balance.


How to Encourage The Baby to Walk?

Encourage The Baby to Walk

In order to start walking, your baby first needs to develop the muscle on its back and this she does by lifting her head when lying on her tummy or rolling around in the crib. You can encourage the baby to lift her body off the ground by placing her favorite toys just out of reach.

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  • Once your baby can sit, you can take a toy and move it sideways in front of her face or play with her in such a way that the baby has to lean from side to side. This helps in strengthening her back and maintaining the neck balance.

  • Once your baby can stand, then you can hold her hands and make her walk or stand a few feet away and cheer her on with lots of excitement. Provide physical support when needed so that she can freely experiment with balance.

[/su_list]Slowly as your child makes progress and starts stumbling around the house, you need to make sure that she doesn't get hurt. In other words, your house needs baby proofing!

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Taking Safety Precautions

Initially, when your baby starts to walk, it will grab on things to pull herself upright or to lower herself down. Therefore, you need to make sure that your child stays away from any kind of injury.

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  • First, you need to remove or rearrange all furniture in your house that has sharp edges or is unsteady. Install safety gates on the stairs and baby proof the toilet seats.

  • Once your baby can stand and walk it can also access various new portions of the house so make sure that all dangerous and harmful objects are kept out of reach.

  • Ensure that there are no loose wires or strings lying on the floor in which your baby can trip and injure herself.




safety precautions of baby walk



8 Stages of Baby Walking

Your baby will not stand up miraculously one stay and simply start walking. It is a process and as parents you have to help your baby at each and every stage. Read on to learn more about how to identify the stage your baby is at.

[su_column size="1/5"] The Baby Can Sit[/su_column]
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Stage 1: When The Baby Can Sit

Babies can sit upright without any support between the ages of 4 to 7 months. In this stage, the baby develops the muscles on her back, neck, arms and legs by rolling around and leaning from side to side.


[su_column size="1/5"] The Baby Starts to Crawl [/su_column]
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Stage 2: When The Baby Starts to Crawl

At around 7 months, the baby develops enough strength in her arms and legs to lift her body off the ground. Most importantly while crawling, the baby learns to coordinate her limbs to move forward.


[su_column size="1/5"] The Baby Can Pull Herself Up[/su_column]
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Stage 3: When The Baby Can Pull Herself Up

When the baby is around 8 months, she can finally grab hold of objects by stretching her arm and pull herself up into a standing position. In this stage, the baby learns to acquire the much-needed balancing and strength in her knees.


[su_column size="1/5"] The Baby Can Walk with Help[/su_column]
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Stage 4: When The Baby Can Walk with Help

At around 8-9 months, the baby gets stronger and curious. As the baby pulls herself upright, you can hold her hands and then pull her forward in order to teach her how to put one foot in front of the other.


[su_column size="1/5"] The Baby Starts Cruising[/su_column]
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Stage 5: When The Baby Starts Cruising

This happens when the baby is around 9-10 months old. Once the baby learns how to step, she will start moving around by grabbing the furniture or the walls for support. In this stage, it becomes important to baby-proof the house so that she can safely practice balancing her weight while moving without hurting herself.


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Stage 6: When Your Baby Can Stand Unsupported

After the baby has learned to walk with support, she has developed enough muscle strength and balancing power to stand upright without support. This happens around the age of 9-12 months. Practice makes perfect, so encourage your child to stand unsupported till she becomes confident.


[su_column size="1/5"]  Baby Takes Her First Steps [/su_column]
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Stage 7: When Your Baby Takes Her First Steps

Eventually, your baby will let go of the support and take her first tiny wobbly steps. At this stage, offer lots of encouragement to the child and guide her to improve her balance and walk steadily. This is likely to happen when the baby is 9-12 months old.


Stage 8: When The Baby Can Walk

Let the baby stumble around the room. If she falls, encourage her to stand up again and start walking. Babies start walking steadily at the age of 12-15 months. Motivate the baby and try to make her walk as much as you can so that she can gain confidence.


[su_column size="1/2"] Baby walk [/su_column]
[su_column size="1/2"] baby walk as a superman[/su_column]

Actual Video Of Baby Learning To Walk

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How to Help Your Baby Learn To Walk Video

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The first year of the baby is full of exciting developments, and her first step is something that you will always remember. Be patient and be supportive !


Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 7, 2016

Classical Music: Factor For Boosting Baby’s IQ - MS Baby[dropcap]M[/dropcap]usic has great power to energize and heal individuals. We turn to music to sooth ourselves and regain our strength and happiness. This healing process can be useful for babies as well. Below are listed a few facts to understand the importance of classical music for babies and how it helps in its development.

Improve Baby's Intelligence with Classical Music - 1

Music is an instrument which soothes a stressful soul and also energizes it at the same time. It has been proven that babies respond to music while in the womb. It helps in connecting with the mother. After birth, music can play an important role in the development of the child to a great extent. Next time when you think of entertaining your baby, put on some soothing music while he’s playing or eating; sit back and relax as you can be sure that you have done the best thing for your child.



Classical Music for Baby in the Womb

As mentioned above, music has proven to be of great benefit for unborn babies. It helps in the brain development of the baby. Not just in the womb but also during the initial years. It is still a topic of discussion but there isn’t any harm in playing music while the mother is pregnant, there is nothing that you can lose. It sure helps in the growth of the baby intellectually.

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Putting your child to sleep with lullabies and other soft, gentle music always works. This is because gentle music can calm down the baby and bring him to a peaceful state so that he can rest easily. Playing classical music during eating and silent playing time can benefit the child. It helps in improving the concentration level of the child. Playing soft and gentle music can help the child in concentrating while reading a story during bed time and while eating so that the food goes into his mouth and nowhere else.


Improve Baby's Intelligence with Classical Music - 2


It can also help fighting and cranky kids to calm down. If ever your child is hurt, after patching up his wounds, play classical music, that will help him regain his strength and feel calm. Music has proved to reduce the feeling of pain and other symptoms of depression.


Bedtime Essentials

Classical music is the best pick to put your baby to sleep. After a long hectic day of play and work, it can be tough to put your baby to sleep without him crying and wanting to run around all the more. Soothing music can do the trick for you; it can calm down the child and put him to sleep easily. You can practice this everyday so the baby gets into the habit of it.


Classical Music Can Be Beneficial to Babies

A lot of research has been done to prove that music helps in the holistic development of babies. Therefore, cheerful music can help in the emotional and mental health of the child while he listens to it. Listening to music can cause the production of antibodies that help in fighting sickness and keeping the baby healthy.

Improve Baby's Intelligence with Classical Music - 3

Music has been proved to be beneficial while it’s played in classrooms. Children have seen to be performing better spatial skills like folding, paper cutting and puzzles. It also helps in improving the attention span and concentration which enables the child to perform better in class and answer questions correctly. It, similarly, helps in developing the mental abilities of babies. Music with good rhythm and tempo can help in the developing children in their initial years by encouraging them to move around which helps children in perfecting their motor skills.


The Mozart Effect - a Child Intelligence Booster

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The Mozart Effect is said to boost the intelligence of children. The origin of this effect was from Mozart piano sonata where it temporarily raised the ability of abstract reasoning of 36 college going students who scored 8 out of 9 in a standard IQ test. Ever since then, this therapy has been used to improve the mental ability of children. This therapy has been in controversy because scientists have been able to prove if it can be beneficial for the development of kids.

More than research or anything else what matters more is that if it’s helping the child in improving and developing the mental and emotional growth. Therefore, make the most of music while your baby is growing.


Improve Baby's Intelligence with Classical Music - 4





Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 6, 2016

Britax B-Agile Double Stroller Review - MS Baby

Isn’t becoming a mother the most beautiful thing ever? [no_toc]

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Being a mother to a set of lovely twins is the most beautiful experience that you will ever go through in your life. But at the same time, you must not forget that it requires a tremendous amount of caution. When it comes to parenting twins, parents need to accept that it is not an ordinary task to raise them and hence we’re here to help you out!

We understand that nothing matters more to you than your little one’s comfort. And Britax leave no stone unturned to provide your little ones with the best level of care delivered by their vast range of baby strollers and prams designed exclusively for infants. The innovative designs and features that they provide serve the needs of both the baby and parents. So they can make memories and not fuss as they step out of the house.

Deciding upon a proper stroller for your babies can surely be a tedious and bothersome decision and certainly requires a lot of thought. There are a lot of constraints which parents need to factor in while making this decision such as cost, comfort needs, convenience and most of all, safety. The stroller must also be capable of being used for at least 1-2 years so that you don’t end up spending an awful lot of money in purchasing a new pram for your twin babies unnecessarily every single year.


Britax B-Agile Double Stroller with mom and babies


Britax B-Agile double stroller is one such premium product designed to cater to the multiple needs of parents as well as their little ones. It has all that you may need for the perfect strolling time and more.


Britax B-Agile Double Stroller Specifications

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Product Weight28 lbs
Maximum Unfolded Dimensions30.5 x 41.4 x 40 inches
Folded Dimensions30.5 x 13 x 30.5 inches
Seat Back Height18 inches
Seat Area Depth / Width9.5" / 11.25"
Harness Slot Heights10.5" / 12.5" / 15"
Buckle Strap Depth4.5 inches


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What Makes B-Agile Better Than The Rest?

Britax B-Agile double stroller has numerable impressive features which are worth being considered when it comes to deciding the perfect stroller for your babies.


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Foldable Design

One of the best features of Britax B-Agile Double baby stroller is its foldable design structure. Whether you’re at home or on the go, B-Agile is capable of being folded as and when required and that too without any hassles. You can easily store it in the back of your car trunk as well as in your baby’s little cupboard. The stroller is capable of adapting according to the situation at hand because of its well-balanced harness system that provides it the required flexibility.


foldable design of Britax B-Agile Double Stroller


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This baby stroller has been designed by using lightweight and high-quality materials. So it does not get too difficult or bulky to be carried around and is also easy to maneuver. Now you don’t need to worry about your little one’s relaxation while you’re taking her on a vacation, B-Agile takes care of it all!


Padded Cushioned Seats

Babies have a very delicate bone structure, and a wrong posture can negatively impact their health and well-being. Therefore, this stroller has been provided with optimum reclining seats equipped with the best quality of seat mattresses to provides adequate support to the baby’s body. It also ensures that she remains comfortable even while riding on difficult terrains like inclines or cobbled footpaths.


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Adjustable Handle

Britax B-Agile Double Stroller has adjustable handle

While designing this stroller, they have also kept in mind all the features that’d be useful to the parents while they are using the stroller. B-Agile baby stroller has an adjustable handle which can adjust according to your desire. This handle is resizable, so you can increase or decrease the length according to your height and strength. In short, whichever position takes the least effort.


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Sun-proof Canopy

Who doesn’t like to play with their little ones in the sun? If you wish to go out on a stroll with your baby, B-Agile provides you with removable canopies on the double seats which can be retracted as and when required. The wired mesh walls along with the canopies keep the baby safe from the harmful UV rays of the sun. So it protect your little one from getting dehydrated, sun strokes and keep her safe and cozy in the shades of the canopy.


Britax B-Agile Double Stroller has sun-proof canopy



Water and Dust-Proof Fabric

Britax B-Agile double stroller is made of pure polyester which is completely waterproof as well as dustproof. Babies always love to indulge in a spill spree while eating. Therefore, the fabric used for constructing B-Agile is washable and extremely easy to be cleaned. With B-Agile, you wouldn’t need to think twice before taking your baby out for a stroll and having a great time together.


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Storage Space

It is bothersome for parents to carry a separate bag for the baby’s toiletries and necessities. B-Agile comes with a separately stitched layered pocket which is ideal for storing your little one’s things in one place, thereby eliminating the need of carrying extra baggage every time you go out with them. There is enough space to take care of the needs of both of your babies.


storage space of Britax B-Agile Double Stroller




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Britax B-Agile Double Stroller has been reasonably priced and provides you with numerous, multiple benefits at the cost of one. With Britax, You get more value for every penny spent! The quality of the materials and the multiple innovative features that ensure the comfort of your baby at such an affordable cost is not something you get every day.


Smooth Riding Experience

Nothing bothers your little ones more than an uncomfortable ride on the stroller. Ensure that your baby experiences a jerk free riding with B-Agile. This stroller has a specially attached all-wheel suspension equipped with a single step lock capable of locking both the rear wheels simultaneously. This feature is especially helpful while you are riding on inclines or troubled terrains. The Britax B-Agile double stroller is capable of carrying weight up to 50 pounds for each seat attached. Therefore, this stroller is proficient of fulfilling your long term needs and can be easily used for your little ones till they attain the age of 2-3 years at a stretch.


Britax B-Agile Double Stroller Video

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Britax promises quality, convenience and a great time for you and your children. Investing in the double stroller would certainly save you a lot of effort and fretting.

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Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 6, 2016

Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller Review - MS Baby

Deciding upon the perfect stroller for your babies can be quite bothersome. Contours Options Elite understands this sheer perplexity faced by parents and provides for the some of the best products for your babies. Now you don’t need to think twice before setting out of the house with your little ones. Just let Contour worry about your children and you can worry about where to go and what to do.  [no_toc]

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Fretting over fussy babies and running after toddlers is not something that parents have in mind when they want to leave the house. The Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller is one of the best strollers available online for moms who have twins or closely aged siblings. You can take both of your babies along on outings and not worry about their comfort and safety because that is a job that the Contours Tandem stroller can do very well. We know going out with two babies can be a handful. But with this stroller, you can rest assured. All your babies’ needs are well taken care of. And the innovative design gives parents freedom from constant fretting. Here are the most attractive features of the Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller.


Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller Specifications

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Assembled Dimensions49.5 x 26.0 x 39.75 inches
Folded Dimensions21.0 x 26 x 38.75 inches
Stroller Weight38 lbs
Weight Limit80 lbs total
Front Wheels8" Never-Flat EVA
Rear Wheels10" Rubber-Coated EVA
Seat Recline3 Positions
Safety Harness5 - Point
CertificationsJPMA Certified


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The Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller Video

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Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller Features

Seven Seating Configurations

Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller 7 options

The biggest advantage of the Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller is the variety of seating configurations that it has to offer. The amazing functionality of the two stroller seats enables them to be reversed or removed and fitted with an infant car seat. The seven seating configurations offered by Contour can involve the use of one or two stroller seats, one or two car-seats, front or rear facing seat combinations and a single seat shopping setting. You can turn around the seats and adjust them so as to maximize the fun that your kids can have on the ride.



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Who likes to carry extra baggage while taking their baby out for a stroll? Parents usually face the problem of having to carry an extra bag for storing their baby’s essential products such as diapers and bottles. The Contour Tandem Stroller eliminates this need by providing with an extra-large storage basket attached at the bottom of the stroller. So you don’t have to lift and drag bulky bags on your shoulder. For easy access, Contour has also provided with a side zipper so that you don’t have to work your way through the seats every time you need something. There is a bonus for parents in the form of a plastic parent cup holder. It is so easy for you to enjoy a coffee with strolling around during the day.


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Reclining Seats

Babies have a very delicate backbone structure, and the wrong resting posture can prove to be detrimental to their health. The Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller comes along with reclining seats so that your little ones can lay comfortably in any posture. The reclining seats can be adjusted and locked into three different positions. The stroller can support a total weight of 80 lbs, which essentially means you can tow your baby around from birth until they are a couple of years old.


reclining seat of Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller



Comfortable Build

confortable build of Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller

The seats of this tandem stroller are pure luxury for your babies. They are appropriately cushioned to rest the chubby body of your baby, and a padded napper bar holds your baby’s head securely as she naps. A tall seat back along with a sophisticated 5-point safety harness protects your baby from sliding or falling off the seat in excitement. Covering the seats are UPF 50+ rated canopies that can be adjusted or removed as per your requirement. You can easily hand-wash the canopies and use them again to protect your baby from the sun and dust. The footrests of the seats are rounded to provide for more area and can again be adjusted around the baby’s legs for maximum support.


Swiveling Wheels


[su_column size="1/4"] swiveling wheel of Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller [/su_column]
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There’s nothing which babies hate more than a jerky ride on the stroller. Contour Elite has been constructed with a set of swiveling front wheels and a superior front suspension to make your little one’s journey as comfortable as possible. The rubber coated wheels feature shock absorbing abilities that will make your baby sleep even through the bumps and cracks on the road. Also, feature is a rear parking brake through which you can ensure that stroller remains safely in one place, even on slopes.



Dual Trigger Fold

Storing and carrying the stroller in your car or house is very easy with the Dual Trigger fold that intricately folds the baby stroller while the seats remain attached. An Auto Lock in place makes sure that the stroller stays folded and doesn’t accidentally fling itself open and gets damaged in the process. If you are short on space, then simply remove the seats to accommodate the more compact folded frame and you are good to go.

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Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller can fold easily


Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller dual trigger fold



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Car Seat Adaptability

The Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller accepts car seat from more than 10 different brands like Baby Trend, Graco, Chicco, Evenflo and others. The universal car seat adaptability transforms this simple baby stroller into a complete travel system. If you have to roam around the world, or in the neighborhood, carrying this stroller can provide you with a sense of control in all your outings. You can see the sights while your little angels are sleeping peacefully in the comfort of the stroller.


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Instructions for Assembling Your New Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller

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For the price, the Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller has everything that you can ask for. The materials used are top quality and you babies’ comfort has been ensured in every possible way. It is nothing short of a luxury that you will be buying for yourself and the kids. Safety precautions are perfectly in place while ensuring maximum freedom of movement to the child. With the wide variety of seating setting available, you can ride while either staring at your baby’s face or the back of his head. This tandem stroller can be more than an accessory for your baby; it can be a safe haven!


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Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 6, 2016

Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller Review - MS Baby


Finding the right stroller for their infant can surely be a tiresome task for parents. If you find full double strollers too bulky or inconvenient, then the Joovy Caboose Stand-On Tandem Stroller is the perfect option for you. The Tandem stroller gives you and your children the freedom to enjoy your time together when you are outside. Just let your toddler hop onto the rear platform and tuck in the little one safely in the car seat adaptable front and you’re good to go. It saves you the trouble of dealing with restless toddlers and fussy babies by adding an extra element of fun while ensuring safety.  [no_toc]

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2 baby on Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller


Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller with car seater


Strolling around with two kids can be a handful but with the Caboose Stand-On Tandem Stroller now parents don’t have to worry. This stroller is specially designed to provide for minimum obstruction and maximum fun. Caboose promises high-quality materials that build on the durability and an incredible functionality that is more than convenient. With an amazing set of features, this Tandem Stroller is a definite win-win over the traditional double strollers and here is why.


Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller Specifications

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Material300D Polyester
Open Size5 x 21.5 x 37 inches
Folded Size10.5 x 21.5 x 41.5 inches
Net Weight28.5 lbs
Gross Weight36 lbs
Minimum Child Age3 months


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Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller Features

Easy Maneuvering

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easy using with Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller


Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller overview


With the Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller, you do not have to worry about limiting your outing choices by the thought of pushing around a heavy piece of baby accessory. This stroller is designed in such a way that it is extremely lightweight and compact and maneuvering it through crowded places and narrow market streets is completely hassle-free. It also offers the option of an easy trigger fold that folds up the tandem stroller compactly, thus ensuring it doesn’t take up too much space in the back of your car. You can seat your babies from when they are days old to the time they weigh less than 50 pounds in this stroller. The total weight that the stroller can accommodate is 90 pounds.


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Sit and Stand Multiple Functionalities

What makes the Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller unique is its ability to provide for an additional seating option for toddlers while still maintaining the sleekness of the design. You can put your infant up to six months old in the front stroller seat (car seat if less than six months). If your child can sit and stand unsupported than nothing would be more fun than letting them sit on the bench seat on the rear or stand on the platform provided below the seat. Since toddlers are quite restless, it is always a good idea to give them a little freedom of movement and this Tandem stroller does exactly this. With the older kid sitting excitedly on the bench seat, you can skip the running after them mayhem if they take off randomly while walking alongside the stroller.


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Safety Features

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The Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller not only makes your strolls more interesting, but it also makes sure that it isn’t at the cost of safety. If your toddler is sitting in the front seat or riding on the rear, Joovy Caboose has all that is needed to prevent your kid from doing cartwheels in the seat and falling off the stroller. The front seat has a 5-point safety harness to strap in your kid so that they don’t try to jump out or slide off the stroller either intentionally or by accident. On the other hand, the rear bench-seat has a 3-point harness that straps down the lower half of your toddlers, while leaving their upper body and hands-free to annoy you or grab the friction-less handles provided at the sides. The removable canopy provided at the front comes in handy when you have to protect your infant from direct sunlight dust exposure.


safety belt of Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller



Storage Availability

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The front seat of the stroller features a plastic baby tray with cup holders which lets you feed the baby conveniently while you are on the go. Whenever your baby needs to eat, you can just spread out this little dining table and set down the food in front of your baby to enjoy. Joovy Coobes also sells a parent tray separately which can be attached to the handle and used by the parents to hold coffee cups, purses, phones and other small items. The storage basket at the bottom of the seats is big enough to hold almost all of your baby’s necessities like diapers, towels, toys and even small bags. The storage basket features elastic sides, which essentially means it can stretch along nicely to pack in the baby stuff if it gets too much.


storage of Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller



Universal Car Seat Adapters

car seat adapter of Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller

The front seat of the stroller also features a universal car seat adapter which is compatible with almost all popular brands that manufacture infant car seats. This is a must-have feature for mothers who have babies less than six months old and still cannot hold their heads up. You can just lay down your infant in the seat and put up the canopy for a memorable walk through the park. Even after you fit in a car seat, there is ample of space left for another child to stand in the rear. At Joovy, we understand that your child is delicate and precious, and therefore while designing this stroller, we have taken care of all the safety constraints which must be fulfilled for your little one.


Caboose Graphite Stand On Tandem Stroller Video

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The Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller has everything that you can need to take the baby outside the house and enjoy quality time together. The sleek and compact design ensure enhanced mobility, and multiple functionalities of the seats greatly increase the fun for your kids. This design is so much more efficient than those of the classic double strollers that are bulky and can be a pain during long journeys. There are lots of room for storing the baby stuff and the incredible additional features like the child, and parent trays make it much more useful than its worth. In a nutshell, the Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller is one sweet ride promising a sweeter time!


buy Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller immediately

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Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 6, 2016

Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller Review - MS Baby


The Graco DuoGlider Classic Connect Stroller has been designed keeping in mind all the necessary features that are required by you and your baby when you go out for a stroll. This soft stroller consists of two reclining seats with padded support, foldable food trays, and stadium style seating so that you and your little ones can enjoy their traveling time in the best way.  [no_toc]

Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller with baby

Along with numerous features for the baby, this stroller contains everything that a parent might need. DuoGlider comes with a large storage basket which makes it easy and convenient for parents to carry all the necessities needed by their babies without any extra baggage. Being a parent can be a huge responsibility, but with Graco DuoGlider, you need not worry at all!


Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller Specifications

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Item Weight29 pounds
Product Dimensions35.5 x 20 x 40 inches
Minimum Weight Recommendation4 Pounds
Maximum Weight Recommendation40 Pounds
Material TypeLatex Free
Compatible ProductsGraco
OrientationForward Facing
Wheel TypeSwivel Wheel



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Instruction Manual: Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller


Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller Video

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Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller Features

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The best part about Graco DuoGlider is its reasonable price. At this price, it's a great value for money. When you set out to buy a stroller for your little one, you cannot expect something so great at such an affordable price. On comparing different types of strollers in the market, the best thing that you will witness is that even strollers which are available at a higher price range do not have the features which are present in Graco DuoGlider. It is definitely worth every penny spent. Buying this stroller will possibly be the best decision that you will be making for your little one. It is a highly useful investment which is bound to provide you and your partner with new levels of convenience.



Save money with Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller




Extremely Comfortable

With DuoGlider, You don’t have to worry about your baby’s comfort anymore.  You will love the fact that it is designed in such a way that it will cater to each and every need of your baby without getting you into any hassles.


[su_column size="1/4"] padded cushions of Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller [/su_column]
[su_column size="3/4"]The padded cushions provided at the front and back provide extra support to the baby’s delicate neck. There is ample of space for your little ones to stretch their legs and lay comfortably.



[su_column size="1/4"] back support matress of Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller [/su_column]
[su_column size="3/4"]DuoGlider also consists of an optimally designed back support mattress which keeps the baby safe from jerks and sudden movements which might occur while you take her out on a stroll.



[su_column size="1/4"] adjustable belt of Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller [/su_column]
[su_column size="3/4"]The attached recliners behind both the seats allow your child to rest when they are tired. The front parts of both the seats of the DuoGlider stroller are equipped with adjustable belts which help to keep your little one safe and prevent her from falling.



[su_column size="1/4"] attached food step of Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller [/su_column]
[su_column size="3/4"]The stroller also consists of an attached foot step which provides dual leg support so that your babies can sit comfortably while they are out on a stroll. The lined canopy present at the top of both the separate portions of the cradle keeps the baby safe from exposure to sunlight as well as dust. The fabric used in DuoGlider is made from polyester which makes it safe to use in any weather, even on rainy days or on windy nights.




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This stroller has been designed keeping in mind all the requirements that every parent needs for their little ones. The pram consists of two perfectly sized seats which are suitable for seating two babies at once. The size is neither too big nor too small and is good enough for carrying children aged 1-3 years. Whether your baby is tall or short, this stroller is capable of accommodating her with a supreme level of ease.It’s curved layout provides the rear-seated child with a proper rear view so that the baby can see and interact with you while you are carrying her. DuoGlider comes with a set of four attached small wheels which are self-locking and swiveling.


two perfect seat of Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller




 DuoGlider provides you with the advantage of various facilities while you’re traveling around with your baby. The stroller is capable of being folded and kept down easily as and when you like it. This pram subsists with a one hand latch which is self-standing and has ample amount of space for storage. You do not need to carry a separate bag for carrying your baby’s necessities. DuoGlider shall take care of it while you’re on the go!
This stroller is made of pure processed plastic and polyester which makes it scratch resistant and extremely durable.

foldable Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller



With DuoGlider, you would not need to think twice before taking your baby on little trips. This lightweight stroller is extremely easy to be carried around, and it will fit in your car trunks as well as in airplane compartments. It also has a very flexible open and close mechanism so that you can keep one hand free while carrying the baby in the stroller.


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Seat Trays

Now feeding your little when you are out of the house one won’t be a problem! DuoGlider comes with two attached food trays which allow the baby to eat easily with proper support. The trays are foldable and low maintenance. The plastic shield present on the surface of the trays makes it spill proof and thereby easy to be cleaned. DuoGlider promises to provide you and your little one with a hassle-free eating experience.


seat trays of Graco Duoglider Classic Connect Stroller




 At Graco, they know that nothing matters more to a parent than the safety of their babies. Therefore, they did not forget to incorporate certain safety features which are essential for your little ones. DuoGlider provides your kids with a jerk-free riding experience with the help of supportive padded cushions that have been attached to the reclining seats. To ensure that the baby has adequate space to rest her neck as well as feet, we have left ample of space in the upper and lower portions of the stroller so that your child can bend around and sit comfortably while she is in the stroller.


Connecting Infant Car Seat to Stroller With Graco Classic Connect System

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Graco DuoGlider Classic Connect Stroller should be every parent's first choice when it comes to providing their little ones with the best quality of comfort and luxury. Graco leaves no stone unturned to ensure that nothing comes between you and your little one's enjoyment while you're spending your time together and making precious memories!



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Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 6, 2016

10 Super Baby Foods Baby you ever wondered if there are more options beyond breastmilk, cereal and rice when it comes to first foods for your baby? It's very important to ensure that the foods they do eat contain a lot of vital nutrients. There are lots of fresh and healthy foods are loaded with necessary nutrients, reasonable price, super easy to make, and more importantly: they are really delicious. The best nutritive baby foods for your little one are listed below: [no_toc]


[su_tabs vertical="yes"][su_tab title="Blueberries"]


best baby foods - 1

Blueberries are considered to be wonder food for your little one. Blueberries are the best source of providing antioxidants in your little one’s body. Blueberries are rich in nutritive substances called Anthocyanins which play a vital role in protecting the baby’s brain and providing it with the much required nutrients.

[/su_tab] [su_tab title="Yogurt"]best baby foods - 2
When the baby reaches an age of 6-8 months, it becomes safe for her to start consuming yogurt. Yogurt is an extremely nutritious food which helps in boosting your little one’s immune system. Regular consumption of yogurt is also good for brain and heart health and helps in the proper and healthy development of bones and teeth.

[/su_tab] [su_tab title="Squash"]best baby foods - 3
Squash can be fed to your toddler after she reaches the age of 6 months. It is known for its anti allergic properties and rich taste. Squash helps in boosting the digestive system of the baby because it is easy to be digested and also improves bowel control. Squash is an adequate source of vitamin A which helps in protecting the baby’s eye sight.

[/su_tab] [su_tab title="Lentils"]best baby foods - 4
Lentils are a great source of protein and fiber for the little one’s digestive system and also provide her with an adequate amount of iron needed by him. When babies reach the age of 6 months, the iron level present inside their bodies starts to decrease. They should provide the little ones with their daily dosage of iron rich foods such as lentils.

[/su_tab] [su_tab title="Leafy Green Vegetables"]best baby foods - 5
Doctors all over the world usually advice to start with vegetables when you start feeding solid food to your baby. Leafy green vegetables are rich in iron content as well as in vitamins. Veggies such as Broccoli, Kale, Spinach and Capsicum are an excellent source of iron for the baby and help in the development of a strong immune system.

[/su_tab] [su_tab title="Meat"]

best baby foods - 6

Parents should introduce meat or non-vegetarian foods to their little ones after they reach the age of 6-8 months. It is an undeniable fact that meats and fish are a good source of proteins but at the same time these provide the baby with a great source of iron and zinc. One thing that should be kept in mind while serving meat to the baby is that it should be cooked thoroughly and given to the baby in a mashed form which will make it easy for the baby to be digested.

[/su_tab] [su_tab title="Broccoli"]best baby foods - 7
Broccoli is considered to be one of the most nutritive vegetables and is known for its cancer shielding properties. Broccoli is a great source of Iron and calcium and is a vegetable which is full of antioxidants as well as vitamins A,C and D. Feeding broccoli to the baby in a steamed or pureed form along with cheese or some more vegetables will be a very healthy recipe for your little one.

[/su_tab] [su_tab title="Avocado"]best baby foods - 8
Avocado is a great meal for babies as well as mothers. Avocados are a great diet option for underweight and weak babies who need nutrition. They’re also an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E which help in the boosting of immune system. The best way to serve avocados is in a mashed form or along with a combination of baby powder or milk.

[/su_tab] [su_tab title="Prunes"]best baby foods - 9
Prunes can prove to be an amazing diet source for your toddler. Prunes are known for their excellent metabolism enhancing and digestive qualities. Prunes provide the baby with a great source of potassium and can help to tackle iron deficiency.

[/su_tab] [su_tab title="Mandarin Oranges"]best baby foods - 10
Mandarin oranges are rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants and help to develop the little one's immune system along with making him strong enough to fight infections and diseases. Oranges are a great source of fiber and accelerate the development of internal strength and metabolism in the baby's body.



Best Baby Foods Video

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